"When our spelling is perfect, it's invisible. But when it's flawed, it prompts negative associations." - Marilyn vos Savant

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another collection update!

Pet shop Boys Vs. America came in couple days ago; since two more of my packages came, I thought to post them! Upcoming art reviews in the next few weeks, if homework doesn't overpower me.

It's In Search of Pleasure Palace and Joy Division Under Review! I know I mentioned that I would wait to finish the first round of books but after seeing the prices were going up, I just thought just buy it now. It kind of enlightened my mood after a couple of days. Once Release comes in, I'll take a photo of what my collection is as of now. I'm really excited of how my little collection is growing and everyone is different so, I'm grateful for it!

Seriously, if you haven't noticed some good deals on Amazon, you're seriously crazy!

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